
Distance from the hotel = 8km

A historical settlement 15,5 km from the port of Hersonissos in the mainland, also known as "Kapetanohori" (meaning, "village of the captains") because from this place many great captains of the Cretan revolutions originated. The village of Avdou has a long tradition in the arts and the intellect. It is also distinguished by its natural beauties. Interesting places to visit include the caves of Aghia Foteini and Aghia Anna, as well as the frescoed Byzantine churches. Avdou produces excellent quality olive oil, wine and fruits and vegetables. Its residents are always warm and hospitable. Here is where you will the only organized area in for paragliding in Crete.


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70014 - L. Hersonissos. Kreta, Griechenland

Tel.: +30 28970 23692, 21005
Fax: +30 28970 23749

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